Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is it weird to go to the movies by yourself?

Welcome anyone and all.

I have been extremely lazy in recent weeks (hence my blog name) and with my laziness has come an increasing want to be by my lonesome. I have spent all day ignoring calls and laying on my chesterfield trying to fall back asleep. I did take time out of my busy schedule to walk my dog and go to pizza hut. Yes pizza hut...

Later in the evening I started feeling disgusted with my sluggish behavior, so I decided I wanted to get out of the house. What to do, what to do...ah yes, the movie house, that's what I'll do! Problem though. I don't want to go with anyone. I want to be by my onesy. I looked up the movie time and it was at 1010pm. I was set on going to my first ever movie alone. But wait! The little voice in my head started setting off alarms, making me feel uneasy about the entire situation. The dilemma I was experience was simple. Is it weird to go to the movies by yourself?

I leave that question for cyber space to answer. I don't know how many posts there will be since I am quite lazy and if my laptop isn't in fact on my lap, than it is in fact too far to reach.

Thank you for your attention. And i bid you farewell.

p.s I did NOT end up going to the movie house by my onesy.

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